Prayer is the fuel that keeps us going. We believe Prayer is the primary way by which God’s will is released in the earth. The Lord’s model of prayer teaches us to pray, “His will be done on earth even as it is in heaven.” John Wesley said, “It appears God will do nothing unless men pray (paraphrased).” This is a great mystery in God’s design and order. When we as Christians accept this mystery as reality, we are motivated to pray.
Bethel Mission Outreach strives to honor the word of Christ in Mark 11:15-17 by placing prayer at the center of everything we do. Jesus Christ is worthy of being exalted night and day, and without Him all of our ministry efforts are in vain.
We operate a prayer room in Haiti call the R.O.C.K. (Revelation of Christ’s Kingdom). This house of prayer goes on 24 hours a day, 6 and a half days a week, and we also run a prayer mountain in the southern part of the island. For many believers, this mountain is a sacred spot where one can meet with the God of creation. That is why for the past 50 years believers continue to go the mountain to pray and seek the Lord. This is all part of God’s great plan to fill the earth with His glory just before the imminent return of Christ the King.
“For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles;
In every place incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure offering; For My name shall be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts (Malachi 1:11).”
The Lord promises to answer us in the place of prayer and show us great and mighty things which we do not know. One of the primary revelations God wants the church to have is the revelation of His heart for the lost, and if our memories serve us well, we might remember this was the reason why, “God sent His only begotten Son to the world to die.” (John 3:16).
From the place of prayer, we become more familiar with God’s heart for the lost; God does not want anyone to perish. The sobering reality is, the whole world needs Jesus, but they just don’t know they need Him. Therefore, it is the church’s responsibly to shine the light for them to see “THE TRUE LIGHT.” Paul invites the church to follow his example to not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, because it is through the power of God’s word that those who are lost will be saved through faith in Christ.
To win souls for Christ is an unmerited favor.
In 2002, the Lord sent us to Croix des Bouquets, Haiti, to pray over that city day and night. When we arrived, things were extremely difficult. We had lots of opposition, including some voodoo temples around the city estimated to be between 200 to 300 within a 5 to 10 miles radius.
But God had an answer to save the people! He set us as watchmen around Croix des Bouquets, and our responsibility was to cry out to Him on behalf of the people with prayer and worship. So, we began praying and worshipping God, preaching the word and loving people. As we were doing that, before we knew it, a new congregation was birthed, and one by one the effects of the voodoo temples started crumbling. People started getting saved! We began seeing a great transformation in our area and the surrounding communities. Some of the voodoo priests finally realized that “Jesus is the only way!” In addition, a great multitude of them died in their rebellion. Today, there are more churches in the Croix des Bouquets area then there were voodoo temples!
The various ways we minister the gospel in the field!
The different ways we share the gospel are through crusades, street evangelism, sports evangelism, church gatherings, village media evangelism, medical mission evangelism, workshop evangelism. We also partner with many local churches, with local missionaries who take the gospel to places where there is a need. Our goal is to have enough resources to facilitate local missionaries to take the gospel into areas that have not yet been reached.
While we’re praying and making disciples for the Lord, we also have an obligation to help the poor in their suffering. It is impossible to walk with Jesus and not have compassion on the poor. There are things that we take for granted every day, but for hundreds of millions around the world, things like water, electricity, education and even food are a luxury.
How can we as the people of God make a difference?
Not long after we started praying and sharing the gospel with locals in Croix des Bouquets, children started coming to our facility to hang out. Our guess was, they were curious and they wanted to know what was going on. But after a while, we started getting curious ourselves. Our question was, why were they not in school? Well, the answer was obvious! They weren’t in school because parents could not afford to send them. In Haiti, you must pay to attend school. Since there were no public schools available, and it was legal for a parent not to register their children for school, they simply kept them home. But that was not acceptable to us. It just broke our hearts; we wanted to help them get an education.
In September of 2006, we took a leap of faith and opened a school called the Love of Christ School. We were believing it would honor the Lord to create this place where every child could experience the love of Christ free of charge, regardless. It’s for His glory. At the appointed time, the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Matthew 25:40